Special offer Rimini Wellness hotel near the fair grounds with heated swimming pool
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+39 0541/738158
Special offer Rimini Wellness hotel near the fair grounds with heated swimming pool

special offer hotel close to Diana Rimini Fiera Rimini Wellness heated swimming pool and parking

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Offer Hotel Diana sea near the fair of Rimini Wellness. Save up to 60 €.
Waking up in the morning in our rooms facing the sea and be on the beach, watch the sun rise from the sea and enjoy a refreshing walk on the shore, take a dip in our heated pool and concedrsi a tasty breakfast, with particular attention to diets demanding, without ever leaving the view of the sea ...
And off to a busy day in Rimini Wellness, easily reachable by its own means, bus or with our bikes, and the return, relax in the hot under the warm colors of decentralization on the beach.
For those looking for something more than we thought a progressive formula, most days-spending!
contact us and discover that feel good does not cost more.

phone 0541 738158 e-mail info@hoteldiana-rimini.com

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Viale Porto Palos, 15 - 47922 Viserbella (Rn)
Tel. +39 0541/738158 - Fax +39 0541/738096
E-mail: info@hoteldiana-rimini.com
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CIR 099014-AL-00402 | CIN: IT099014A1X5XE448E
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